Trains & Rail way transit Surveillance system case

Date: 2021-07-30 07:27:53    Source:

Railway transportation is one of the most important passengers transportation method in the world. The driver behavior will effect the safety operating of the train and the safety of the passengers.


The value of our solution:

-Real-time view the front and rear road situation of the train, monitor the driver behavior and mechanical equipment in the equipment room.

-All kinds of event tracing as evidence and storage.

-Relate the train monitoring system to recording files.

-Connects with device monitoring system to link recording file.

-Mutual back-up for the front and rear driver’s cab recording, which can upgrade the safety of the recording data.

-All the subsidiaries of railway company share the important data.

Equipped with one channel alarm button, the driver can report the alarm in case of emergency, then alarm video window can popup in the CMSV6 to inform alarm;

With 4G, GPS module, vehicle can be managed with the car driving records. Video monitoring and vehicle scheduling management platform integration, structural integrity of the vehicle dispatching integrated video surveillance system;Through mobile app, one can see the video of the scene in real time.